10 Homebrewed Noble Houses of Kirkwall (sourced from Ptolus RPG)
Adapted from Ptolus: City By the Spire.
Note that a lot of the names in Ptolus are middle eastern in nature, so I changed some to more fit the culture of Kirkwall. Other names I kept just because I liked them.
ALBRECHT – A mercantile family that firmly believes wealth is power. They are not well regarded and serve as examples of the saying that wealth breeds contempt."
Dered Albrecht is the very old head of house that many are simply waiting to die, though he has yet to name a heir. (I have decided he is bitter about his failing body and funded Quintin's research in the hopes of restoring life to his old limps.)
- As the PCs rise to wealthy status (after Bartrand's Expedition), Dered may at first try to incorporate them into his Household. He would also offer investment opportunities to expand both the PC’s wealth and his.
- He would certainly take an interest in how their wealth. He would definitely back the Delver’s Guild (which does not yet exist), and might even be the one who starts it. He would be most interested in the lyrium idol, if he caught wind of it.
- Should the PCs reject his advances, Albrecht may invest in sabotaging their efforts in the city. This may push the family into new alliances.
Allies: None Enemies: Nagel, Kathro.
DALMASSO – Known worshipers of the Tevinter Old Gods (though the family denies it), and fond of dragons. Lord Kirstol Dalmasso has a reputation of benevolence. However, he is wistful of the glory days of Tevinter and believes the key to restoring the lost knowledge of the empire might be found in Kirkwall. Many members of the family have imbibed dragon blood (and become Reavers), and the House has a pet Wyvern named Draco.
- As the PCs discover the secrets of Kirkwall and it's dark Tevinter past, Dalmasso will originally be willing to assist the party. However, he will likely have a crisis of conscience should the PCs decide to destroy what they find.
Allies: Nagel, Gath. Enemies: Vaduv
ESNAULT (pronounced "e-no") While interested in culture and the arts in general, they are known for fetishizing the elves. They are avid collectors of elven artifacts and have made elves full members of the house as well as produced elf-blooded offspring.
- The party could take an active role in writing Esnault's wrongs, such as reclaiming the House's elven artifacts, introducing them to true elven culture, or encouraging the House to improve conditions for the elves in the city. Any of these actions have a chance of ending in disaster.
- Any action by the party to help or support House Esnault could earn resentment from the elves in the Alienage.
Prefers to remain neutral.
GATH -- Owns the Crown Theater and serves as patron of a the arts throughout the city. The house employs talent scouts to search the city for young, beautiful, and talented individuals to recruit as house associates, trained for free at the Academy of Music or apprenticed under master artists. They are set up for life financially, as long as they remain diligent and perform well—and always remain loyal and obedient to House Gath.
- The House may not be aware of corrupt activities at the Crown Theater or the Musical Academy. Should the PC’s uncover the issues here, they will likely face pushback from the family. But also, possible eventual rewards.
Likes: Nagel, Dalmasso, Sadar. Dislikes: Vaduv, Kathro, Albrecht, Rau.
KATHRO – Famous for its military leadership. They have no respect for anyone who does not live by the skill and strength of the sword. House Kathro is responsible for founding The Warriors’ guild, which numbers around a hundred well trained troops. House Kathro often uses this force in support of the City Guard as well as their own private matters. Lord Dorant Kathro is nearly twice as old as he appears (around 40). Rumors claim this is due to magic, but Dorant insists his long lifespan comes from good breeding and rigorous training. He is a close confidant of Viscount Dumar.
- Crossing the City Guard, the Viscount, or the Warrior's guild could cause tension for the party when engaging with House Kathro. Any rogues or mages in the party would likely be treated as second-class citizens or seen as potential threats.
- Discovering the truth about his age would cause Lord Dorant to experience a crisis of faith, which could have either positive or negative consequences for the city.
Likes: Shever Dislikes: Gath, Albrecht Enemies: Rau, Vaduv, Sadar
NAGEL -- reputed for altruism and charity, this house has fallen on hard times. Kurtlan Nagel was imprisoned for murder. House Sadar framed him and bribed or blackmailed various authorities to keep it quiet. Lady Fransin Nagel, wife of Kurtlan, is mistress of this house now. She devotes virtually all her time and energy to recovering her husband. This House's members were known to oppose those who would exploit or abuse the common folk and did much to help the impoverished and needy.
- Getting Kurtlan out of prison would likely embroil the party into a deep political plot among the nobility.
Allies: Gath, Dalmasso Enemies: Sadar
RAU -- A family of rogues, pirates, and scalawags. They own a fleet of merchant vessels that serve as mercenary craft and escort other vessels for a price. Rather than working as brigands or con artists today, the Rau have found “soft crime” more profitable. They manage small gambling dens and bordellos, smuggle goods, and help minor criminals find work (for a cut). The Rau work with the Beauclairs (major crime family), trading political favors (thanks to their position as one of the influential noble houses) for contracts and financial agreements. The Beauclairs are much more “hands-on” than the Rau, which suits the Rau just fine. The Rau are not afraid to play both sides of the game, however. Though they haven’t worked any deals against the Beauclairs, the Rau would not be opposed to it. ((I like the idea that Castillon is a distant relative of this family.))
- The party might be able to pit the Rau and Beauclairs against each other, while disrupting the criminal activities of either could bring the Houses closer together.
- Castillon being a Rau relative offers more direct interaction with the Rau. Though I personally think Castillon wishes to bring back the family's pirate days, so he may prove to be a thorn in their side the Rau would be happy to be rid of.
Likes: Albrecht Enemies: Kathro, Gath
SADAR -- This house almost died out centuries ago, but a mysterius benefactor and a powerful mage's staff, restored the family. Renn Sadar is one of the most powerful wizards in the city. He spends his time studying lore, researching magic, or conducting Inverted Pyramid business. Elis Sadar is ironically influential in the Chantry. She works with the underprivileged and in particular orphans. Unbeknownst to her, Renn is having an affair with Peliope Erthuo.
- Working with the Templars would bring distrust from the House, but Sadar doesn’t care much about the plight of city mages.
- If the affair were revealed to her, Elis could be pitted against her husband. Elis taking control of the House, however, could make the Chantry, and by extension the Templars stronger.
- Uncovering and destroying the power that has kept House Sadar afloat might sink it forever, but could also ruin Lady Elis.
Likes: Gath. Allies: Vaduv. Inverted Pyramid. Enemies: Nagel.
SHEVER is known for their skill with machines. Their connections to ancient Tevinter were once very strong, but now the influence of the House fades as Tevinter does. House Shever seeks the return of progress and technology through the combination of machine and magic. The youngest of the family, Marcad, holds no interest in machines and is the shame of his father. He can often be found at the Arena or in any of the various gambling dens in the city.
- Unlike other Noble Houses, apostates could receive protection from House Shever in exchange for working with the family to advance technology.
- The potential danger vs benefits of such technology could create interesting moral dilemmas for the PCs.
Allies: Kathro Enemies: Vaduv
VADUV an evil and ancient house involved in a number of criminal activities. Demonic blood is rumored to run in the family's veins. Navanna, the youngest daughter, runs things while her father is away (seeking a dark magical artifact). She maintains a number of false identities in the city with the help of her younger brother's magical aid. One such identity allows her to pass as a member of the Templars.
- As the party digs deeper into the secrets (and demonic forces) at play in Kirkwall, they could draw the Vaduv's attention.
- Navanna’s various disguises offer ample opportunity to spy on the party as well as for the party to interact with her and possibly discover her ploy.
- Taking down this house could become a major focal point of the campaign, especially if ties exist between the House and Xebenkeck and/or Corypheus.
Allies: Sadar, Beauclairs, Cults of Chaos, the Forsaken (demons). Enemies: almost everyone
ALCOMBE Most believe the last lord of this House died of a wasting disease over 500 yrs ago. The truth is that in the house’s last days, a powerful mage fashioned an artificial body of gold to safely house the lord while the curse was lifted. However, the mage was assassinated before Alcombe could be freed. It may be possible for the PCs to find Alcombe and free him.
- The party could become further embroiled in the politics of the Noble families as Alcombe seeks to renew ancient ties
- A man out of time – Alcombe's "old school" views could create strife for the city... and the PCs.
Allies: Esnault, Shever. Enemies: Albrecht, Sadar, Vaduv
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