DA2 TTRPG Campaign Diary - Session 5 - A sealed Basement
Last we left off, the party had discovered red lyrium beneath a locksmith's shop. Deorum convinced the group that as a mage he was the most knowledgeable of lyrium and should be responsible with handling it. While everyone else traveled back to the Mason's guild to let them know of a job well done, Revas stayed behind to burn the rat bodies and help the family clean up their home from rat feces. While the party had told the family there had simply been many rats and that they had cleared them all out, Revas presented the family with three yellow flowers he had gathered while traveling in Ferelden. He explained the risk of Blight and the importance of making the flowers into a tea, and Vhez accepted them with much gratitude. Since it was late in the evening, the mason's guild promised to appear at the house the next morning, and the party retired for the night. Fenlin didn't trust the red lyrium and stayed up through the night outside of Deorum's door in case of tro...